Our Graduate Student Organization Grant Allocation (GSOGA) Award provides funding to Graduate Student Organizations to support their activities, events, and programs.
These activities and events should enhance graduate student quality of life; allow opportunities for academic, professional, and personal development; promote engagement with the community; and create a forum for the exchange of information and ideas.
Note: GSOs should be registered on BoilerLink. GSOs no longer need to submit an FCO-6 form to be recognized as a GSO.
Funding Amount & Eligibility
Exact funding amount will depend on each individual application; however, maximum is set at $1,500. Applicants requesting more than the maximum amount (>$1500) will have one point deducted from their final score.
To be eligible to apply to and receive GSOGA grants, the GSO should be recognized by the Business Office for Student Organizations (BOSO) and by the Purdue Graduate Student Government (PGSG).
The GSO must be in good standing with SAO, BOSO, and PGSG in order to be eligible for funding or to use funds that have been appropriated to them through the GSOGA committee.
Remaining Deadline & Eligibility periods
August 14th, 2024 | June 15th, 2024 – November 26th, 2024
October 9th, 2024 | November 9th, 2024 – January 11th, 2025
November 13th, 2024 | December 13th, 2024 – February 14th, 2025
January 15th, 2025 | February 15th, 2025 – April 19th, 2025
February 12th, 2025 | March 12th, 2025 – May 14th, 2025
Deadlines & Review Schedule
There are six funding periods for the GSOGA grant:
Three during the Fall semester (August, October, and November), Three during the Spring semester (January, February, April), and one during the Summer (June).
Important notes:
- Each GSO may only submit one application per GSOGA application round.
- Each GSO may only receive one award per fiscal year (Example: 2023-2024 academic year).
- Incomplete applications will NOT be considered for funding, so double-check completion status prior to submission. You may email the GSOGA Vice-Chair ( to confirm that your complete application was received BEFORE the deadline.
- Refer to the GSOGA Funding Restrictions for limitations on funding.
- The Symposium and GSOGA grants cannot be used in tandem to fund the same events. GSOs that have applied for or been awarded Symposium funding can still apply for the GSOGA grant, provided that the event was not listed on their Symposium application and meets the GSOGA grant criteria.
- All GSOGA funds must be used in accordance with all Purdue University, Graduate School, SAO, BOSO, and PGSG regulations.
Steps to complete your application
- Please note that our formatting instructions have changed. Make sure to follow the instructions below to avoid any point deductions and see the example application!
- Your application should be compiled into a single Google Doc. The name of the Google Doc should be as follows: year_month of the application deadline_name of the GSO (Example: 2020_08_We Love Cats).
- Your document should be 6 pages. The first page will be a cover page and the following pages will be essays (prompts below). Please use Arial size 11 font and ensure each essay is only a single page with 1” margins. Your budget table and any figure legends may use smaller font, but no less than size 9.
- Please include the following sections in the application:
Page 1: Title Page
The first page should include the following information:
- Primary GSO
- Total Income ($$) – For the purposes of this grant, “income” is money from other sources available to your GSO for events included in your application.
- Total Expenses ($$)
- Amount requested from PGSG ($$)
Page 2: Description of your GSO
Please describe your GSO and what kind of events you host. This will give the reviewers an opportunity to learn more about your organization.
Page 3: Description of the events
Please describe up to (not more than) 5 specific events or types of events your GSO will host. For each event, please discuss the following:
- Where is the event taking place?
- What specific activities will occur at the event?
- How many students, faculty, staff, or other community members are expected to attend the event?
Page 4: Benefits of your organization and events
Please indicate the benefits of your organization and the events put on by your organization to graduate students at Purdue University using the following discussion points:
- What academic and professional development benefits does your organization present for Purdue graduate students?
- How does your organization contribute to the quality of life of Purdue graduate students?
- What number of graduate students do you expect to attend your events or benefit from your organization?
- How do your events benefit the community as a whole (including any benefit to undergraduates, faculty, or members of the Greater Lafayette community)?
Page 5: Budget table
Please provide a detailed budget table. Your budget should be broken down into two parts: 1) Income and 2) Expenses. The amount that you request from GSOGA should equate to the difference between the two.
- Income: List all sources of income, along with amounts anticipated/received, for the application period.
- Expenses: List all events planned by your organization for the application period. Include the number of graduate members and non-members (faculty, undergraduates, etc.) that have or will attend each event. Include an itemized budget for each event, including quantities and prices for each item.
Page 6: Budget Justification
Please provide a description and justification of your budget. Discuss the following points:
- What will the GSOGA money be spent on?
- What efforts have been made to reduce costs?
- What other funding has been solicited?
Note: Your budget table may go on to page 6 but ensure that your budget and budget justification fit on two pages. You will be penalized if this information does not follow the formatting instructions!
Make sure your application meets the criteria in the rubric below to increase your likelihood of receiving GSOGA funds.
When ready, submit your application through the Online Qualtrics portal using the link below. The portal will generate a pdf of your responses. It is your (the applicant’s) responsibility to double-check the completion and accuracy of the responses in the application.
Application Rubric
Applications are scored out of fifty points; there are ten criteria, each worth ten points. Click on the image below for a printable version
Allocation Process
The GSO’s treasurer will be notified by e-mail of their funding status. If the GSO was awarded GSOGA funds, the funds will be distributed through the GSO’s BOSO account.
Note: GSOGA funds are intended to support GSOs, not necessarily a specific event.
GSOGA Annual Report
Important notes:
- The GSO has to submit an annual report within 1 calendar year of receiving a GSOGA grant or before submitting the next GSOGA grant.
- If your organization fails to submit an annual report, your next GSOGA application will be docked 10 points until your annual report is submitted.
Steps to complete your financial report:
1. Prepare your annual report
- Your annual report should be compiled into a single Google Doc. The name of the Google Doc should be as follows: year_month of the application deadline_name of the GSO_Annual report (Example: 2020_08_We Love Cats_Annual Report).
- Please use Arial size 11 font and 1” margins. Your budget table and any figure legends may use smaller font, but no less than size 9.
- Please include the following sections in the annual report:
Page 1: Title page
The first page should include the following information:
- Primary GSO
- Funding round of GSO award
- Amount Awarded
Page 2: Budget report
Please report the actual amount spent on your events. Include the budget table from your application with additional columns showing the actual amount spent and the difference between the amount requested and the actual amount (amount requested – the amount spent)
Page 3: Additional details
Please provide any additional details you think are important for the Grant and Allocation Committee to know about the way you spent your funds.
2. Submit your annual report
When ready, submit your annual report through the link below:
Funding Restrictions
Funds may not be used to fund any of the following items. If any organization is found to have used GSOGA funds for any of the following, their eligibility to receive GSOGA grants in the future will be affected.
Anything found in violation of law and/or Purdue University rules, regulations, policies and procedures
- Plaques, prizes scholarships, awards, trophies, or medals, or other related gift items
- Telephone, electronic facsimile, internet, cable, or communication device charges
- Firearms, weapons, or ammunition
- Tobacco or tobacco-related products
- Illegal or illicit substances or devices
- Controlled substances
- Pornography or other products that are demeaning or degrading to people
- Any court actions
- Costs or litigation against Purdue University, of its employees in fulfillment of their duties, or against its students
- Are proselytizing or evangelical in nature
- Are intended to be fundraising projects
- Are electioneering or lobbying efforts, activities, fund drives, or campaigns
- Include exotic dancers or anything demeaning or degrading to people
- Equipment purchases for housing units or capital improvements
- Equipment for resale for fundraisers or other purposes
- Equipment designed specifically for use with alcoholic beverages, drugs, or illegal substances
- Furniture
- Gaming equipment intended for use in games of chance
- Communications designed to honor, thank, or congratulate an individual or group
- Communications designed to publicize a fundraising event or to raise funds directly
- Costs for design work for marketing, logos, letterhead, program covers, etc
- Postage (unless publications are paramount to the GSOs mission)
- Travel for organizations
- Personal or classified ads
- Payments to invest in or provide capital for any business or commercial enterprise, or any activity intended to generate profit
- Items or expenses not included in the original GSOGA application
- Charity donations
- Purchase of beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages
Policy Compliance
It is the responsibility of all GSOs to read and understand all policies and procedures of Purdue University, the GSOGA Board, SAO and BOSO. GSOs that receive GSOGA funding must be in compliance with all policies and procedures at all times. GSOs that are found to be in violation of any policy of Purdue University, the Grant and Allocation Committee (GRAC) Board, SAO or BOSO must reimburse any and all funds they received during the time they were in violation of these policies.
Furthermore, any GSO that attempts to defraud or mislead Purdue University, the GSOGA Board, SAO or BOSO will be subject to disciplinary review by the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS), and those involved may be held individually responsible and criminally liable for any funds received under false pretenses or illegally.