Transitional Housing Grant

The Transitional Housing Grant (THG) provides funding for students experiencing a financial burden due to an unplanned gap in their access to housing. By funding temporary access to essentials like housing and storage, the grant aims to keep Purdue graduate students safe and healthy during difficult housing transitions.

Application will open on July 26, 2024. The link to the application will be put online when it opens.


The THG is considered on a rolling deadline and is awarded once per student per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
Applications will be considered promptly by the chair and review committee, however communication with the applicant may take up to 10 business days based on the number of applicants and internal communications.


Funding amounts are determined by a budget submitted by the applicant, with a maximum value of $700. Based on grant funds and reviewer decisions, awards may be partially funded to increase the grant’s reach, but it is our goal to fund any temporary and specific expenses which materially improve student quality of life.

Application Rubric



  • All enrolled students supported by PGSG are eligible to apply for the THG

  • A student is eligible for the THG if unexpected events have temporarily impacted their access to safe housing, utilities, and/or overnight storage

  • Applications must be completed fully and include a student’s Purdue email address

  • If an application is deemed incomplete by the THG Vice Chair, it must be completed and resubmitted promptly 

  • An application must be submitted and accepted before any payments are made- PGSG cannot provide retroactive award

  • Due to the unique nature of the Transitional Housing Grant and its review process, the THG review committee is not eligible to apply for the grant, owing to conflict of interest concerns.



You will receive one of two decisions after your application is reviewed:

  1. Awarded – requested need is eligible, application meets minimum expected requirements (e.g. point cut-off for approval). No further action is required on the part of the applicant. Partial funding may be awarded based on the applicability of the recommended budget items and upon consideration of available grant funds.
  2. Denied – a) requested need is ineligible or does not fall under critical need, or b) the THG does not have the funds to meet the applicant’s request after partial funding has been considered by the THG Committee.



Applicants should understand the reimbursement procedures and policies here before moving or making any purchases related to the applicant’s grant application.

Receipts for all approved purchases must be submitted to the PGSG treasurer before reimbursements can be provided.

A meeting with the Treasurer will be required to confirm the reimbursement- email the treasurer at to set one up. 


3 points 1 points 1 point 0 point

Duration of Transition

> 7 Days
4-7 Days
1-3 Days
Not Stated

Description of housing transition

Suddenness and financial burden of the transition are clear
Suddenness or financial burden are clear
Transition is described
Not clearly described

Budget Justification

All budgeted items are reasonably necessary and have clear justifications
Items are necessary, but justifications are unclear
Some Items are unnecessary, or no justifications are given
Items are not listed which connect to the Personal Statement

Cost Reduction

Reasonable efforts are discussed which reduce the costs of budgeted items
Cost reductions are recognized but not possible
Proposed cost reductions are ineffective
Cost reduction is not considered

Descriptions of Other Aid


Descriptions of multiple sources of aid are identified and pursued
A single source of aid is identified and pursued
Funding sources are identified but not pursued

Other aid is not considered

Vice Chair Statement

The PGSG hopes our THG can help you in a difficult time! Our application process is designed to assume good intent on the part of our applicants and should respond to your needs first and foremost. If you have questions about the application process or suggestions on the grant’s administration, send them to the Transitional Housing Vice Chair at